26 March 2020
Day 896,592 of the Great Coronavirus Pandemic (or at least it feels like it).

So, I said to myself, “Dave, you can still be fit at home while you’re forced to ‘stay at home.’” Curious to learn more, I asked myself, “How can I do that, Dave? How can I still be fit at home while I’m being forced to ‘stay at home,’ as you’ve so grandly suggested?” “Well, Dave,” I happily answered myself, “by doing some easy, breezy, beautiful, Cover Girl-calibre, PLYOMETRIC workouts in the comfort of your own home that you’re being forced to stay at.” And then I kicked my own ass, because screw that, there’s Netflix to watch and toilet paper to scavenge.

But BEFORE I kicked my own ass, I wondered, “What exactly are these ‘plyometrics’ I spoke of?” So, I jumped into my trusty Google machine and visited the repository of all human knowledge, Wikipedia, to learn that plyometrics— or “plyos,” if you’re cool like that— are, and I quote:

“Plyometrics, also known as jump training or plyos, are exercises in which muscles exert maximum force in short intervals of time, with the goal of increasing power (speed-strength).”

Now, in plain English, here’s what plyos are: dynamic, mostly body-weight exercises that you do as many as you can of, within a period of time. Usually, you do them in a short circuit (or in more than one, if you want a more intense workout).

I used to run my soccer teams through a bunch of these exercises during training sessions back in the day; I also ran a weekly group training session in these at my local gym for a couple of years. Since we’re all sequestered for a while, I figured I’d put some of these plyo workouts up here for anyone who may want to stay fit at home, until we’re allowed to return to the gyms and yoga studios that just have our usual assortments of non-Coronavirus plagues and germs in them.

Alright, I’ll shut up now. You can find the workouts (which will all be named after Disney songs, because cabin fever STOP JUDGING ME YOU INGRATES) below as I add them every one or two days while we’re all locked away in our hidey-holes. Have fun, stay fit, and be healthyish!